Monday, October 31, 2011

Flower Stories

Flower Sense by Tricia Guild, The Art of Decorating with Flowers • Photographs byJames Merrell 
Text by Elspeth Thompson with Tricia Guild

If you are thinking of adding to your garden collection of books, an old favorite of mine is Flower Sense by Tricia GuildThe Art of Decorating with Flowers. Published by Rizzoli International Publications Inc. British designer Tricia Guild is the founder of The Designers Guild. She is Known for her original fabric wallpaper designs and home furnishings. This is a wonderful book full of floral inspiration with unexpected flower mixes, shades of color and texture. As we put our gardens to bed until spring this is a great way to stay connected to the garden. During the cooler months as you wait for the garden and seed catalogues this book fills you with warmth. The photography is rich colorful and abundant with peonies, roses, delphiniums and hydrangeas to name a few. Leaves tell the color story in their simple yet beautiful displays. Her arrangements can fill a glass vase, a pitcher, a metal tin even a decorative plate it is as if Tricia is painting with her floral arrangements. 
There are over 150 pages of luxurious color to enjoy.

 The book is divided into sections to fit any style of flower decorating. 
The sections run from 

These chapters are beautifully divided by vellum sheets introducing pages full of stunning color stories. The vellum sheets add to the luxurious feel of this book. A great addition to any library. 
If you are an artist this book is great resource for color and floral reference.
Curl up with color and garden inspiration.

All images and content belong to Deborah Velásquez. Copyright 2005-2011.  All rights reserved.
Please do not use anything without permission or without noting the origin on your blog or website.


  1. I know this isn't your post for the blog hop, but I just couldn't help thanking you for posting this book about flowers! Flowers are my second obsession, I'm so inspired! Thank you!

  2. These pictures are fantastic! You are a great wordsmith and photographer. I hope you are staying warm and safe. We missed you at the blog hop, but know you would have joined us if you could. Give us a shout-out when you are back!
