Watercolor play twenty-three of the May Flower Challenge. Just starting to play with some petals on vines earlier today. Hoping to build more colors on the leaves, the next step always makes me nervous because sometimes what you envision in your head doesn't necessarily translate onto the page. Fingers crossed. Hey I can always start again!
For the May Flower Challenge you can post your flower creation, whether it is a doodle, drawing, photograph, collage or painting. This challenge has been started by Lori Moon, fellow blogger, talented photographer and jewelry artisan. Sign up and join in on the flower fun. Can't wait to see what you create as well! Please note: You do NOT have to participate every day. Play along on a specific day each week or only once - whatever inspires you.
I love this challenge not because I have a love for drawing, painting and printing flowers but it is an excellent way to build up your motif library. It also keeps your drawing hand in motion and the creative flow becomes a part of your being.
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