Friday, December 16, 2011

Word Path • Words Replayed

Everyone has a word path. One word leads to another.
Word Paths, a Friday feature showcasing possibilities in written words, creative process and artistic pieces. 
My goal is to present three to five words or three to five lines. 
I may go to seven words or seven lines but probably not often, only if needed. 
I plan to work the Word Paths out artistically and process them to share with you here. 
You can go here, to my first post on this project and see how it all started.

It has been about four months since starting my blog and I must say it has been a great experience. I meet new readers each day and my online friendships have grown immensely. From an artist stand point it has given me the push to make art everyday. Blogs give your art a stage to present your work and no one made it clearer than Holly Becker of Decor8. I took an online class called Blogging Your Way offered by Holly Becker, of Decor8, and Leslie Shewring of a creative mint. . 
 I learned that an online presence is important. I am happy to be finding my place in this online world. 
Thank you Holly and Leslie. Not enough adjectives to describe how brilliant this course is.

For today's Word Path I am revisiting words I have made into an art piece, hence the title Word Replay. This Life is Now piece is a favorite of mine and I wanted it included in my Word Path Gallery sort to speak. I am sharing it here for those who are new to the blog and starting to get familiar with my work. It was created before the series became a Friday feature on my blog. The words are powerful, beautiful and true. We loose sight of "the moments" in the rush of everyday life. Those moments as I tell my son need to be appreciated. I always remind him and myself to pause in the moment. If we pause then we can then we can reflect and give those moments meaning. We make memories in our picture book of life. As 2011 comes to a close, it is time to look back and put perspective in your path for 2012. Yesterday is past but it gives today. 

Here is my word path for today  

 Life is Now                                  Velásquez©2011
Your past, your history, your yesterday gives you now.

Happy Weekend • Pause in the Moment • Enjoy the Language of Words

All images,text and content belong to Deborah Velásquez. Copyright 2005-2011.  All rights reserved.
Please do not use anything without permission or without making note of the origin on your blog or website.


  1. Blogging has also had a big impact on connecting and focusing on what's important to me...they have that guide. So happy to have met you here online, Deborah! Your new blog and art is inspiring to me.

  2. that is really beautiful and very true! thank you for sharing!

  3. hi deborah, i nominated you for the versatile blogging award. i'll post the link, but i don't know how to make it live. if you can't click it, just go to my blog. congratulations on your wonderful work here! noreen

  4. Happy 4 month anniversary!!!! Great powerful sentence .. "Your past, your history, your yesterday gives you now". I completely agree!!
