Friday, May 31, 2013

Word Path • Laundry and Love Notes

I must say this is how it started because much of what I do brings me back to these notes, which I keep on the family board as a reminder. They remind me not to stress out and not to hate the monotony of routine, the making of school lunches, doing the laundry, the driving back and forth to school....routines of a mom's everyday.
 It used to drive me insane until I read these notes from my oldest son. So now my attitude has changed as I fold laundry and make school lunches for the kids etc.... I say to myself, I am doing this with love in my heart so I can turn it into a more positive, less stressful routine. I shared this with a few friends and it has worked for them too! I love how it has inspired some new word work for Word Paths today. 

Everyone has a word path. One word leads to another.

Word Paths have  been a Friday feature showcasing possibilities in written words, creative process and artistic pieces from the beginning of my blog You can go here, to my first post on this project and see how it all started.

Here is My Word Path for Today 

Fresh With Lavender, The Laundry Series          by Velásquez©2013

Happy Weekend • Do it with Love • Enjoy the Language of Words

Thank you for stopping by.

This is "Where Art and Beauty Meet Lifestyle"©

Folded with Love by Velásquez©2013

Available through The World Art Group

All images and content belong to Deborah Velásquez. Copyright 2005-2013.  All rights reserved.
Please do not use anything without permission or without note of the origin on your blog or website.

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