Friday, August 3, 2012

Word Path • Ready or Not

Everyone has a word path. One word leads to another.
Word Paths have  been a Friday feature showcasing possibilities in written words, creative process and artistic pieces from the beginning of my blog You can go here, to my first post on this project and see how it all started.

Today's Word Path comes from a phone conversation with my friend Kim Gann, an artist, blogger and entrepreneur. She has been painting for twenty-five years. Her Studio, 
KG Art Studio is in Tennessee. My favorite art is her intuitive work, take a look here. We met back in May at Surtex, and we haven't stopped chatting since!!! It is nice to have conversations with like minded creatives even if your work is totally different from one another. You can share your ideas, mentor, support and challenge each other as you take the next steps in your artistic career. We talked about going for it and that is how this piece came about. You just have to put yourself out there whether or not you or the world are ready.

Here is My Word Paths for Today
Ready or Not                                                                                                  by Velásquez©2012

Funnily enough the conversation continued in the same vein a few days later when I met up with another group of creative women from a surface pattern design course called The Art and Business of Surface Pattern Design. This course was led by Rachael Taylor and Beth Nicholls. What I have said about this course in a previous post still stands true "It taps into your entire artistic being. Surface pattern design work has so many intersections of art and inspiration in one piece that one can see the mix of beauty and ideas." 

I mention this group in this post because today's Word Path is perfect for us especially as we move forward designing our future. We happen to be the first alumni from the course. As an artist I feel it is important to support each others dreams in friendship and mentorship.
I met these woman in person while in New York as we enjoyed Printsource and Indigo , two textile and surface design shows. Here are some links to some fabulous new friends and fabulous talent.

Helen Billett •
Tanya Brown •
Femi Ford •
Rachel Gresham •
Emine Ortega •
Mary Tanana •
Happy Weekend • Don't Wait • Enjoy the Language of Words

Thank you for stopping by.
This is "Where Art and Beauty Meet Lifestyle"©

All images and content belong to Deborah Velásquez. Copyright 2005-2012.  All rights reserved.
Please do not use anything without permission or without note of the origin on your blog or website.


  1. You amaze me every time- like it's the first time I read you!

    Your attitude is something I carry with me- for years, and Its about time to say it out loud!

    Have a wonderful weekend, with much love
    the girls from the holy land.

  2. Thank you Deborah! Words to live by for sure! Thanks for the link...hope to get a post up as well :)

  3. I love your "words", will repeat them often!! Thank you :-)

  4. Deborah, Thank-You for sharing the words. Hopefully others will live by them too! Hugs to you sweet sister....we'll talk soon!

  5. This is wonderful deborah! Go for it girl!

    All the very best
    (a fellow surface pattern designer)
